Ease in the Home:
Empowered Living

We offer in-home senior care with Personal Assistants, Caregivers and Certified Nursing Assistants, not babysitters.

Our clients are adults who need assistance achieving their day.

Our Personal Assistants, Caregivers and Certified Nursing Assistants give superior care because they are trained, valued, compensated and supported.

We are a resource – that provides direct access to the company owners – for families as they try to navigate this unfamiliar part of life.


My mom, Dorian, raised three children and retired at 65. That was 12 years after my dad died.

She was always a vibrant woman, proud of her independence and privacy. Mom never asked for help, and quite frankly, we weren’t used to her needing it. But we could tell that something wasn’t quite right.

It was Alzheimer’s. Okay, now we knew what to do.

We figured great senior care wouldn’t be hard to find. We were prepared to pay for the best. We thought Mom would be happy and relieved to have help.

We were wrong. About everything.

We tried to choose as wisely as we could. We spent as aggressively as we could. But we knew our mother wasn’t getting the care she deserved, and we all worried around the clock.

Eventually, we admitted our mother to a very high-priced memory care facility. Her caregivers didn’t notice how ill she was getting. She went septic from a preventable infection and she died.

At first, I was angry. But anger doesn’t solve anything. Action does. And I decided to build a company.

Ease in the Home offers the home health care my mom deserved and the peace of mind that our family couldn’t find.

Christopher Breneman — Founder